Wednesday, June 13, 2012


photo by Becca Berkey
There's a going away party for me at work today. That's totally crazy to me. Not crazy in the sense that people are going to celebrate my time with them, and gather to share warm thoughts about my time here. Those kinds of things happen for lots of people, and so it's not extraordinary that I'm getting a send-off. What's strange to me is the idea that I'm about to shift directions in life again. Career two, check. 

I know that this living business isn't anything but a winding, twisting set of unexpected changes and adventures. I get that, I'm all for that. It's just that this life has been so very different from anything that I expected, from anything that could have told myself to expect, from anything that I could have planned for. Maybe that's just as it should be, but sometimes I can't help but wish that  I had a little more sense of what direction I was going to tumble towards next. I guess I have some idea of what's going to happen for the next three years... what's after that, though, is anybody's guess.