Thursday, March 21, 2013

Media Design | Photo Styles Recreation

One of the courses I'm talking this semester is a Media Design course. ASU structures it's courses into three classifications, A, B, and C Sessions. A Sessions course run during the frist half of the semester (the first quarter), B Session courses run the second half the of the semester (the second quarter), and C Session courses run the full length of the semester. The course is a B session course, and is just getting ramped up. The first project is structured around the need that designers frequently face in building assets that are in specific to known period of time. Copy art is one of the many skills that a good media designer needs tucked up his/her sleeve, and this assignment makes a strong case for learning that process. The project directions and results can be found below:

Project Directions:

For this project, please download the zipped folder of 4 images from the BB Assignments section. In this folder, you will find two images of daguerrotypes and two images shot with Kodak Ektachrome film. Please follow the steps below to complete the project.

  • Examine the provided images closely. Research additional images that are also created in this format. Try to identify what features are inartistic to the image. How do these processes effect what subjects can / should be captured with this media?
  • Identify another medium that you will reproduce. Kodachrome? PixelVision? Silent movie stock? Repeat the above process for this additional medium.
  • Keeping in mind what you've learned about the interactions between subject and format, shoot 1 to three photographs that you will transform into faux versions of these three media.
  • You may neat tot spend some time researching photoshop tutorials online.
  • In the case of your self-chose third medium, please track your process, introducing why / how you chose this medium, how / where you researched it,why you think it would be useful, and the steps that yo have taken in the transformation (create a mini-tutorial).

Recreate a Daguerreotype

Recreate an Ektachrome

Recreating the GameBoy Camera with Photoshop and After Effects 

Here's the look I'm trying to emulate:

After looking at the footage closely, here's what I was looking to make sure that I emulated:

  • Image Size: 320 x 280
  • Color
  • Limitation of the sensor / look and feel of the footage
  • Frame Rate 

Here's the quick and dirty break down of the process:

  • Use After Effects to export an image sequence
  • Open Photoshop and create a new Photoshop action (start recording)
  • Convert the image to Grayscale
  • Posterize the image with Levels
  • Use the Mezzotint filter - short lines
  • Use the Mosaic filter - 2 pixels
  • Start the batch process and export the images to another source folder
  • Import image sequence to After Effects
  • Set the frame rate to 10
  • Output the Final

Want to Following along? Here's a quick tutorial about using After Effects and Photoshop to achieve this effect:

Here's where the process gets us: